Memo Text
The following changes have been made in regards to dyslexia coding in APSCN:
Entering Student Information into eSchoolPlus
To indicate that a student has been evaluated and is receiving intervention services the dyslexia screen in eSchoolPLUS must be updated. The menu path to get to this screen is Student Center>Medical>Dyslexia screen. In order to access this menu path a user will need to have the following security resources: reg-maint (read-write) and med-maint-dental(read only). This combination of resources will not allow access to the information within the Medical Center folder. The field to update on the Dyslexia screen is “Receives Dyslexia Intervention”, a check mark in the field will indicate that the student is receiving an intervention. This information will be collected in cycle 7 of each school year.
Financial Information
There are two new functions for coding dyslexia expenditures. The instructional function is 1565 and the non-instructional function is 2155. Regarding the fund/function/object combinations allowed for your expenditures, please contact APSCN for assistance as needed.
- Function 1565: Interventionist, Therapist, Specialist, Reading interventionist, certified teacher, tutor or paraprofessional working directly with students.
- Function 2155: Interventionist, Therapist, Specialist, Reading interventionist, certified teacher, tutor or paraprofessional not working directly with students.
Job Codes
The following positions will provide dyslexia services to meet the requirements of the law:
- Dyslexia Interventionist: This person may be licensed or non-licensed. The licensed teacher may have any licensure code and will have a certified job code. The non-licensed person will be identified using a classified job code.
- Dyslexia Specialist: This person may be a licensed or non-licensed educator who demonstrates expertise and completed or working to complete a program of study. The licensed teacher may have any licensure code and will have a certified dyslexia job code. The non-licensed person will be identified using a classified dyslexia job code.
- Dyslexia Therapist: A professional who has completed training and obtained certification in dyslexia therapy from a dyslexia therapy training program defined by the Department of Education. This is a person who has added the dyslexia endorsement to a standard or ancillary license.Dyslexia Therapists will be identified with a licensure code of 527. Only a certified job code will be used for Dyslexia Therapists.
Districts will have to choose the appropriate job code based on whether or not they are using a licensed educator or a non-licensed educator and in the correct capacity.
The following certified and non-certified job codes have been added for the above positions:
- Dyslexia Interventionist: Certified Job Code #6042, Classified Job Code #481
- Dyslexia Specialist: Certified Job Code #6041, Classified Job Code #480
- Dyslexia Therapist: Certified Job Code #6040
For questions regarding specific dyslexia implementation contact Vicki King, ADE Dyslexia Specialist at