The May 2016 updates to the Arkansas Department of Education Rules Governing Nutrition and Physical
Activity Standards and Body Mass Index for Age Assessment Protocols in Arkansas
Public Schools has allowed an exception to limiting access to food and
beverages in all schools on testing days.
· A
testing day is defined as a school day that involves one of the state-wide
programs for educational assessment, in which every student attending an
Arkansas public school is required to participate as required in Ark. Code Ann.
§§ 6-15-419, 6-15-433, 6-15-2009, and as established by the State Board.
· Students
may be given any food and/or beverage items that meet the Alliance for a
Healthier Generation Smart Snacks Calculator requirements during the school day
on scheduled testing days each school year to be determined and approved by
school officials.
· Schools
will need to maintain documentation that all foods and/or beverages comply with
Smart Snacks requirements (by utilizing the Alliance for a Healthier Generation
Smart Snacks Calculator) including a copy of the Smart Snacks Calculator
product compliance screen and a copy of the nutrition fact label of the product.
Testing days are not required to count as part of the “9
Special Event Days” identified in the Rules.
However, if a school wishes to provide snacks or treats
that do not meet Smart Snacks Requirements, then the school will designate that
day as one of their “9 Special Event Days” and will document that on the
official school calendar in eSchool.
The Alliance for a Healthier Generation Smart Snack
Calculator may be found at:
For additional information or questions, please contact
Stephanie Alsbrook, Assistant Director of Healthy Schools at (501) 324-9502 or