Arkansas Department of Education Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Medicaid in the Schools (MITS) Program Changes for 2017-2018

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Learning Services
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Federal Programs; Superintendents; Principals; Technology Coordinator; General Business Manager; Teachers

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The ADE is restructuring the Arkansas Medicaid in the Schools (MITS) program currently administered through the Southeast Arkansas Educational Cooperative (SEARK).  As of July 1, 2017, MITS will no longer engage in direct billing activities.  MITS will continue to manage the Arkansas Medicaid Administrative Claiming (ARMAC) program and provide training and monitoring support to school districts around all aspects of Medicaid.  Schools that choose to contract with outside providers for direct billing will continue to be able to do so.  Schools that currently contract with SEARK for direct billing will receive additional information from SEARK regarding options available for continuing billing services.


Primary focus for MITS training and monitoring: 

  • Health related services to promote positive student outcomes
  • Personal Care certification for paraprofessionals and nurses
  • Program management for Arkansas Medicaid Administrative Claiming (ARMAC)
    • Development and implementation of LEA internal controls to ensure compliant ARMAC procedures
  • Direct billing procedures for LEAs that choose to do their own billing
  • Development and implementation of LEA internal controls to ensure direct billing is done correctly, and billed services are provided based on appropriate documentation
  • Medicaid Match procedures
  • Maximizing LEA potential for Medicaid reimbursement

Summer training opportunities include the School Health Services Conference to be held July 11-13, 2017, at the Benton Convention Center in Benton, Arkansas.  Additional details about this conference and other training opportunities will be coming soon.


For questions regarding the MITS transition, please contact Lisa Haley, Associate Director, Special Education (501) 682-4221.


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