Arkansas Department of Education Division of Elementary and Secondary Education ACT, ACT Aspire and DLM Summative Scores Release

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Learning Services
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Federal Programs; Superintendents; Assistant Superintendent; Principals; Technology Coordinators; Test Coordinators; General Business Managers; Teachers; Gifted & Talented Coordinators; Curriculum Coordinators; Bookkeepers; School Counselors; Techstart Coordinators or Contact Name; Equity Coordinators (Disability/Race/Gender/National Origin); Child Nutrition Directors/Managers; Data Stewards (SIS; eSchool; eFinance; TRIAND); District Coordinators (ALE; Homeless; ESOL; SDFS & Foster); Parent Involvement Coordinators/Facilitators

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Memo Text

All assessment scores for ACT Aspire, Grade 11 ACT, and Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) will be available by July 1, 2019. State results will be published on the ADE website and in My School Info in the coming week. District and school results can be accessed with the appropriate permissions in the respective, online assessment portals. District Testing Coordinators (DTC's) and anyone granted permission by a DTC, may begin accessing the data through each portal when it becomes available. Assessment portals and associated resources are linked below. Please contact your District Testing Coordinator for permissions questions. 

ACT Aspire



The ACT for Grade 11

* All assessment reports contain personally identifiable student information and should be handled with caution per FERPA regulations.  The ADE advises that any Student Performance Files be secured and password protected.


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