Memo Text
Milk is considered a “Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food,” based on the
Rules and Regulations pertaining to Retail Food Establishments as set forth by
the Arkansas Department of Health, Environmental Health Protection in 2012 (the
Food Code) which states in the definitions of Section 1-201.10 (68)(a).
“Time/Temperature Control for Safety Foods” means a food that requires
time/temperature control for safety (TCS) to limit pathogenic microorganism
growth or toxin formation.
Section 3-306.14 (Returned Food and Re-service of Food) of the Food Code
“(A) Food (i.e., time/temperature control for safety food) that is unused or
returned by the consumer may not be offered as food for human consumption.”
The following procedure about milk cartons will be under the strict supervision
of food service personnel at all times.
If a student receives milk in the school cafeteria and that student does not
want the milk, the student may place the unopened carton of milk in an
ice-filled container (i.e., ice chest) located at the end of the meal service
line or cashier’s stand. The milk carton must be placed down in the ice and
fully covered. Water cannot be standing in the ice. Another student may then
pick up the milk carton at no charge to consume with a meal, in addition to the
milk already received with a reimbursable meal.
Only milk in a carton that has not been opened and that has been fully covered
by clean ice may be consumed by another student. Milk in a carton that has been
opened, or not kept under ice, must be discarded and not given to another
Any milk carton that is still in the ice at the end of the meal service must be
discarded and not served to another student. To discard milk in cartons, the
cartons must be opened and milk poured out of the carton. No milk handled in
this manner can be used for food preparation or held for another meal period,
for example, milk from breakfast cannot be held for lunch.