Memo Text
Section 18005 of the CARES Act requires that LEAs receiving these funds provide equitable services in the same manner as prescribed in section 1117 of the ESEA of 1965. The preliminary allocation list will include the portion of funds to be used for equitable services based on preliminary non-public school data from the districts’ information entered into the Federal Grants Management System (FGMS) for the 2019-20 school year.
The CARES Act further requires that non-public schools be consulted on their needs for services under the Act, regardless of their previous participation in equitable services from the public LEA. Therefore, such consultation must occur between the public LEA and all private schools that located within the public LEA’s boundaries. Documentation must be retained as proof of this consultation for audit purposes. The “CARES ACT PS Consultation Form” attached to this memo provides a standard document for this purpose. This form must be completed for each non-public school consulted. All consultation forms must be uploaded to the ESSER Funds folder in Indistar.
It is necessary for ADE to collect updated information regarding the non-public schools that elect to participate in equitable services under the CARES Act to be used in the calculation for final allocations of CARES funding. ADE has developed a form to assist with this data collection. The form is attached to this memo as the “CARES – PS Data From”. Each LEA should access this form, select the district name from the dropdown list at the top, then review and edit the non-public school data entered. The form should be saved or printed by the LEA. Once the review is complete, the form should be returned to ADE Finance via email to the addresses at the bottom of the form.
This data is needed very quickly to finalize CARES funding allocations. We are requesting this form be returned to ADE by May 15, 2020.