Arkansas Department of Education Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Audit Corrective Action Procedures for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2020

Memo Information

Memo Number
Memo Date
Memo Type
Fiscal & Administrative Services
Regulatory Authority
Education Department General Administrative Regulation (EDGAR), 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart F, Section 200.511(c), M-20-17 - Memorandum for the Office of Management and Budget
Response Required
Federal Programs; Superintendents; Assistant Superintendent; General Business Managers

Primary Contact Information

Secondary Contact/s Information

Memo Text

Section 200.511 of 2 CFR Part 200 of the U.S. Education Department General Administration Regulations (EDGAR) requires the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE), Division of Elementary and Secondary Education to ensure that when a public school district, open-enrollment public charter school, or education service cooperative has an audit finding regarding an instance of noncompliance with federal laws or regulations, that an appropriate Corrective Action Plan (CAP) is implemented timely to remedy each finding.


Once the Arkansas Department of Education is informed of the instance(s) of noncompliance with federal laws or regulations, the department will issue a management letter to the school entity detailing the steps that are required not only to comply with Section 200.511 of 2 CFR Part 200 of EDGAR, but if any additional actions are required of the auditee including but not limited to:


  • Reimbursement of funds to ADE, Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
  • Copies of written policies and/or procedures for the particular program(s) in which the noncompliance occurred
  • Evidentiary proof that new policies and procedures have been implemented in accordance with corrective action plans


The auditee (§ 200.205(c)) must promptly follow up and take corrective action on audit findings, including preparation of a schedule of prior audit findings, and a CAP in accordance with § 200.511(c).  The CAP (§ 200.512) must be submitted to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse (FAC) within the earlier of thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of the auditor's report(s), or nine months after the end of the audit period. 

However, The Division of Elementary and Secondary Education will follow the guidelines provided by the Office of Management and Budget in Memorandum M-20-17 regarding the extension of single audit submission. The memorandum permits auditees to delay submission of their corrective action plan (CAP) for June 30, 2020 audits to the Office of Internal Auditing to six months beyond the normal due date of the earlier of thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of the auditor’s report(s), or nine months after the end of the audit period.

The auditee is responsible for corrective action on all audit findings including findings from prior years.  To ensure compliance with federal and state requirements, the CAP shall be filed with the Office of Internal Auditing.  The CAP shall include the following elements:


  • Each finding must be individually addressed (use the reference numbers assigned by the auditor)
  • Include the contact person responsible for the CAP
  • Provide a detailed planned corrective action
  • Reasons for disagreement with audit findings, if applicable

The Office of Internal Auditing receives and reviews each audit. If the audit requires a CAP and is not received as part of the audit or does not include ALL information in the above list, a letter is mailed to the district requesting a CAP. In order to assist with preparation of the CAP, please find a template attached that can be used.


The CAP shall be received within thirty (30) days of filing with the FAC.  The plan should be emailed to or mailed to:


Arkansas Department of Education

Division of Elementary and Secondary Education

Office of Internal Auditing

Four Capitol Mall, Room 202-A

Little Rock, AR  72201

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