Arkansas Department of Education Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Request for feedback from the Arkansas Division of Emergency Management regarding winter storm damage to facilities

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Facilities & Transportation
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The recent winter storm that hit our state produced record low temperatures and snow.  We recognize that weather related damage occurred in academic facilities throughout Arkansas.  Please see the request from the Arkansas Division of Emergency Management below:

The Arkansas Division of Emergency Management is requesting local, state, and critical private non-profit organizations to submit damage assessment details for critical facilities and infrastructure impacted by the February 2021 Winter Storm event.  We will use this data to determine if a State or Federal Disaster Declaration request is necessary.

Use the following link to complete an assessment tool for each facility impacted and include up to five photos that show the damages.  Please have this tool completed by March 5, 2021.  Our office will reach out to each organization if clarification of information submitted is needed.  If you have questions, please contact the ADEM Area Coordinator or the ADEM Recovery Branch at<>


Damage to academic facilities not fully covered by insurance or public/private assistance may be eligible Catastrophic Program funds.  If your district would like to pursue the application process for potential Catastrophic Program funding, please email the following information to

  • Percentage of insurance (a minimum of 90% is required)
  • Amount of insurance deductible
  • The amount that insurance will not cover repairs to academic facilities

If you have any questions, please telephone Tim Cain at (501) 366-3178.


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