Arkansas Department of Education Division of Elementary and Secondary Education SmartData Dashboard provided to all Districts

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Central Administration
Regulatory Authority
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Superintendents; Assistant Superintendent; Principals; Technology Coordinators; Curriculum Coordinators; School Counselors; Data Stewards (SIS; eSchool; eFinance; TRIAND); District Coordinators (ALE; Homeless; ESOL; SDFS & Foster); CTE Coordinator (COOPs and regular school districts)

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Memo Text

The Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) is excited to announce a partnership with SmartData to provide access to SmartData Dashboards for all public school districts starting in the fall of 2021.   Initial training will begin in late June and continue through September.  The training schedule and locations will be released soon.  Districts are encouraged to send a team to include counselors, principals, and district administrators.   Districts who are currently under contract for services with SmartData will be moved to the state contract and do not need to renew their district contract at this time.   

SmartData Dashboard powered by Hughes Technology delivers an automated data dashboard with an early warning and early intervention system for school districts to focus on student achievement, student discipline, and student safety. SmartData allows school personnel to easily extract, visualize, and analyze data to proactively implement student data-driven strategies necessary for identifying Universal (Tier 1) trends for individual students who may require formal, tiered (MTSS) academic and/or behavioral supports.  These supports may include a Student Threat Assessment, Bullying Prevention, Social Emotional Learning or Mental Health issues. These automated tools are often used by school administrators, Response to Intervention (RTI) Teams, Positive Behavioral Intervention Systems (PBIS), Student Threat Teams, School Resource Officers, Counselors and Interventionists to make informed decisions regarding student intervention.

SmartData will also customize the electronic flowcharts, forms and MTSS processes providing the district with a way to track and monitor state required information.  The following are examples of services provided with in the platform: 

Identifying students who are at-risk for learning loss

Tracking of Characteristics of Dyslexia screening and intervention data

Self-Audit:  based on local, state and federal guidelines and initiatives   

Performance Based Accountability reporting based on requirements from ADE

District validates the data before submitting reporting requirements.

Build Corrective Action Plan and Progress Monitoring aligned to local, state and federal policy 

Details steps to match the state requirements for:

Progress Monitoring and Corrective Action Plan

Monitoring of Key Performance Indicators

Monitoring of Progress toward Short Term Goals 

Monitoring of Progress toward Long Term Goals


 For additional information please visit

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