Memo Text
Consolidated Appropriations Act 2021 authorized $30M for the Food and Nutrition
Service (FNS) to provide grants to State Agencies (SA) for providing equipment
assistance to School Food Authorities (SFAs) participating in the National
School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the School Breakfast Program (SBP). Arkansas
has received NSLP Grant funds in the amount of $343,565. These funds will
assist SFAs in purchasing equipment that is needed to serve healthier meals,
improve food safety, and to help support the establishment, maintenance, or
expansion of the School Breakfast Program. Funding is to be awarded based on a
competitive grant process that is fair and equitable. Priority will be given to
LEAs, who meet the application requirements, that have at least 50 percent of
the students eligible for free or reduced price meals or Community Eligibility
Provision (CEP) claiming percentage, however
Local Education Agencies (LEA) with less than 50 percent can receive the grant
based on other criteria.
information is enclosed in the Instructions and Application attached.
for Application submission is
4:30 P.M.,
FRIDAY, October 15, 2021
For further information regarding the NSLP
Equipment Assistance Competitive Grant application, contact the district’s Area
Specialist, Bailey Farnsworth, or Meredith Mannix at (501) 324-9502.
2021 NSLP Equipment Grant Instructions
2021 NSLP Equipment Grant Application