Arkansas Department of Education Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Training for Procuring Services with Food Service Management Companies in Child Nutrition Programs

Memo Information

Memo Number
Memo Date
Memo Type
Child Nutrition
Regulatory Authority
7 CFR 210.19(a)(3)
Response Required
Superintendents; General Business Managers; Bookkeepers; Child Nutrition Directors/Managers

Primary Contact Information

Memo Text

ATTENTION:  Superintendents; Child Nutrition Directors, Child Nutrition Managers, General Business Managers, Bookkeepers, Food Service Management Company Employees 


The Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) Division of Secondary and Elementary Education, Child Nutrition Unit (DESE, CNU) will conduct two (2) virtual training sessions for School Food Authorities (SFAs) and Food Service Management Companies (FSMCs). These live presentations will be specific for the School Food Authorities (SFAs) and the Food Service Management Companies (FSMCs).


Virtual training for SFAs only


  1. Who should attend?  SFAs that are required to rebid the services for the SY 2022-2023 and SFAs interested in the proper procurement process when contracting with an FSMC.


  2. What will the training cover? The training will cover the entire process of soliciting and contracting with an FSMC, including the early stages of planning, the available contract options and the differences in those options, proper solicitation procedures, and requirements for contract management, monitoring once the contract is in place, and questions and answers.


  3. Where and when will the training be held? The live, virtual training for SFAs will be held Monday, November 8, 2021, at 10:00 a.m.


  4. How do I sign up for the training?  Districts required to rebid their FSMC contracts will automatically receive a link to the training.  Districts may also register HERE


Virtual training for FSMCs only


  1. Who should attend the training?  Any FSMC that is registered with CNU to conduct business in Arkansas public schools and any FSMC that is interested in becoming registered with CNU.


  2. What will the training cover?  The entire procurement process will be addressed including available contract options, implementation of the contract, continued execution of the contract, and questions and answers.


  3. Where and when will the training be held?  The live, virtual training for FSMCs will be held Monday, November 8, 2021, at 1:00 p.m.


  4. How do I register for the training?  All registered FSMCs may register HERE


If you have questions concerning this training you may contact Nancy Dill or your Area Specialist. 


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