Arkansas Department of Education Division of Elementary and Secondary Education The Arkansas Leadership Academy is Accepting Applications for the Teacher Leader Program 2021-2022 School Year

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Educator Effectiveness & Licensure
Regulatory Authority
Response Required
Superintendents; Assistant Superintendent; Principals; Teachers; Gifted & Talented Coordinators; Curriculum Coordinators; Equity Coordinators (Disability/Race/Gender/National Origin); CTE Coordinator (COOPs and regular school districts)

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The Arkansas Leadership Academy (ALA) is pleased to announce that we are accepting applications for the Teacher Leader Program (TLP) for the 2021-2022 school year. The TLP is an approved pathway for DESE’s Career Continuum Lead Professional licensure designation. Space is limited, so you must submit your application by 4:30 PM on Tuesday, January 18, 2022. Accepted applicants will be notified by Friday, January 21, 2022, with next steps and additional details.

Participants must plan to attend all sessions of the Teacher Leader Program. Please remember to check your professional and personal calendars and make sure you are able to attend ALL sessions. Session dates are provided below:


Dates for 2021-2022 School Year

  1. Thursday, February 3, 2022 (Arkansas Public School Resource Center, Little Rock)
  2. Tuesday, March 15, 2022 (Arkansas Public School Resource Center, Little Rock)
  3. Tuesday, April 12, 2022 (Arkansas Public School Resource Center, Little Rock)
  4. Tuesday, May 10, 2022 (Arkansas Public School Resource Center, Little Rock)
  5. Wednesday - Thursday, June 1-2, 2022 (Exact Location TBD, Little Rock)


Teacher Leader Program 2021-2022 Application

Participants must also complete and submit the Signed Expectations along with their application.


Purpose and Design 

The Teacher Leader Program (TLP) is for those individuals who are currently serving as a classroom teacher in an Arkansas public school and are either currently in or aspire to take on leadership roles. The TLP will prepare participants for formal and informal teacher leadership roles in their schools, districts, regions, state, and nation, without having to leave the classroom. 

Teacher leadership – defined as “the set of skills demonstrated by teachers who continue to teach students but also have an influence that extends beyond their own classrooms to others within their own school and elsewhere” (Danielson, 2006, p. 1) – has been touted as key to retaining excellent teachers, improving the access of high-need students to excellent educators, improving school and student outcomes, and enhancing the professionalization of teaching (Coggins & McGovern, 2014; Cosenza, 2015).

The TLP will provide 6 days of face-to-face professional learning with assignments to be completed between the sessions.  These assignments are designed to be job- or role-embedded and will be used by those participants who choose to submit a final portfolio for Lead Professional designation.

Lead Professional Designation: Those participants who successfully complete the TLP, have reached the performance level of an Effective Teacher on their most recent summative evaluation in TESS (Teacher Excellence and Support System, 2017, Arkansas Act 295), and can demonstrate proficiency of the Teacher Leader Model Standards through a portfolio assessment, can seek the designation of Lead Professional Educator on their teaching license through the Arkansas Career Continuum offered by DESE.


Content and Focus 

The TLP is organized around seven themes aligned with the Arkansas Teacher Leader Model Standards for Lead Designation:

  1. collaborating,
  2. leading,
  3. understanding,
  4. learning,
  5. analyzing,
  6. reflecting, and
  7. advocating.

Core learning focuses on three evidence-based areas of study: (1)?Collaborative Leadership, (2) Collective Efficacy, and (3) Cultural Competence, each with emphasis on (a) data-driven decision-making, (b) effective instructional practices, and (c)?social-emotional learning. 


Location: Unless otherwise noted, all sessions will be conducted at the Arkansas Public School Resource Center (APSRC).

APSRC Training Center

Victory Building

1401 West Capitol, Suite 375

Little Rock, AR 72201

(501) 492-4300


Expenses: Schools are responsible for arranging and funding their travel expenses including lodging if necessary and any associated substitute costs for participating team members. There are no registration costs to participants for content and/or supporting materials. A cash-only parking garage is available on 6th Street across from the Victory Building. The cost to park is $1 per hour or $5 for all day. Participants will need to bring cash if they plan to use the parking garage. Parking receipts will be provided to participants that use the 6th street parking garage for reimbursement. Additionally, there is a limited amount of street parking available at no cost.


Meals: Time will be built into the schedule for each session to allow participants to leave the site and secure lunch. Participants will be responsible for their own lunch expenses at each session. Snacks will be provided.

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