This document constitutes official notice
of the Final 2021-22 allocations available for use in the 2021-22 school
year under provisions of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as
amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Final allocation
amounts are available on ADE DESE’s School Funding Website
Final allocations include:
- District level changes resulting from revisions to the overall state grant at the federal level.
- Current year student data for newly opening or significantly expanding open-enrollment charter schools.
- One time prior year funds that were reallocated.
For 2021-22 allocations, please note the following:
- Obligation deadline: September 30, 2023
- Liquidation deadline: January 2024
Title I, Part A: source code
6501, revenue code 45110
Title I, Part A
Neglected: source code 6501, revenue code 45110, function 1594
Title I, Part D:
source code 6510, revenue code 45120
Title II, Part A: source code 6756,
revenue code 45925
Title III: source code 6761, revenue code
Title III Recent Immigrant: source code
6758, revenue code 45928
Title IV: source code 6786, revenue code
Migrant, Title I Part C: source code 6502, revenue code 45111
source code 6781, revenue code 45981
source code 6795, revenue code 45995
Please be aware the one-time reallocated funds have
different expiration dates as noted for each category on the grant award
notification document.
Special Note: The
Title I, Part A Neglected Institution notice lists school districts whose Title
I, Part A allocation includes funding for a local institution for neglected
children. These funds are to be used to provide Title I services to children
residing in these institutions. Please keep a record of services provided
and funds expended. This list indicates which institution is located in
the school district and the amount of money the eligible students in the
institution generated. The funds generated by the neglected eligible students
have already been included in the total Title I, Part A allocation for the
district. The indicated amounts should be set-aside from the total Title
I, Part A allocation for services to children within the indicated
institution. These amounts will need to be budgeted on line item 1594
Title I, Part A Neglected Institution at the district level.
ARP ESSER final allocations: These are new (additional) funds that need to be budgeted in 2021-22. Preliminary allocations were given in 2020-21, funds not expended were carried over into 2021-22. Those carryover funds should be budgeted in 2021-22 along with this final allocation.
For questions regarding:
Title I, Part A Programs, contact Jayne Green at
Title I, Part D Programs, contact Rachel Hogue at
Title II – Part A Programs, contact Gail Betts at
Title III Programs, contact Tricia Kerr at 479-267-7450
Title IV Programs, contact Donesia Steward at 501-683-5423
Title V Program, contact Gail Betts at 501-682-5424
21st Century Programs, contact Wendy Wilson at
Homeless Programs, contact Dana Davis at 501-683-4711
Migrant Programs, contact Damaris Tomlison at
ESSER Funds, contact Jayne Green at 501-682-2395