Arkansas Department of Education Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools (EANS) Program under the American Rescue Plan Act, 2021 (ARP Act) and Webinar

Memo Information

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Public School Accountability
Regulatory Authority
Response Required
Federal Programs; Superintendents; Assistant Superintendent; Principals; General Business Managers; Curriculum Coordinators; Bookkeepers

Primary Contact Information

Secondary Contact/s Information

Memo Text

Attention Federal Program Coordinators:  Please forward this memo to all non-public schools within your district boundaries.

The State Education Agency (SEA) or Division of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) under the ARP-EANS program will make up to $22,903,129.00 available to eligible Arkansas non-public schools.


A webinar will be held on Tuesday, March 29, 2022 at 10:00 am.  All non-public schools are encouraged to participate by joining the zoom link at

The webinar will be recorded and posted on the DESE Cares Act webpage at

ARP-EANS Eligible Non-Public Schools: An eligible non-public school must meet the following criteria:

1. A non-public school must meet or exceed 19.48% poverty percentage and be most impacted by the COVID-19 emergency.

2. The school requesting services or assistance is a non-profit school.

3. The school requesting services or assistance existed and operated prior to March 13, 2020. 

4. The school requesting services or assistance is accredited, licensed, or otherwise approved to operate in accordance with State law.  A non-public school must be incorporated as per Ark. Code Ann. § 6-2-102.

5. The school requesting services or assistance did not and will not apply for and receive a loan under the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) (15 U.S.C. 636(a)(37)) that is made on or after December 27, 2020. 

NOTE: If a non-public school applies for a PPP loan on or after December 27, 2020, but does not receive funds under the PPP, the school may apply for services or assistance under the EANS program, as long as the non-public school meets the requirements and deadlines of the application. If a non-public school applied for or received a PPP loan prior to December 27, 2020, it remains eligible for the EANS program. Similarly, if a non-public school applies for but does not receive services or assistance through EANS, nothing in the Education Stabilization Fund would preclude that non-public school from applying for and receiving a PPP loan on or after December 27, 2020.

6. No expenses may be reimbursed through a loan guaranteed under the PPP (15 U.S.C. 636(a)) prior to December 27, 2020.

Allocations:  DESE will determine the list of eligible non-public schools and then post the allocations.  Allocations for EANS funds will be posted on the DESE website at 

Timeline for Funds:  Direct payments with ARP-EANS funds must be completed by September 30, 2024.

Allowable Uses of Funds: (all costs must be reasonable, necessary, and allowable)  Please see the FAQ at

An eligible non-public school may apply to receive direct services or assistance only from the SEA or its contractors to address educational disruptions resulting from COVID-19 for:
A. Supplies to sanitize, disinfect, and clean school facilities
B. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
C. Improving ventilation systems, including windows or portable air purification systems
D. Training and professional development for staff on sanitization, the use of PPE, and minimizing the spread of infectious diseases           E. Physical barriers to facilitate social distancing
F. Other materials, supplies, or equipment recommended by the CDC for reopening and operation of school facilities to effectively maintain health and safety
G. Expanding capacity to administer coronavirus testing to effectively monitor and suppress the virus
H. Educational technology
I. Redeveloping instructional plans for remote or hybrid learning or to address learning loss 
J. Leasing sites or spaces to ensure social distancing
K. Reasonable transportation costs
L. Initiating and maintaining education and support services or assistance for remote or hybrid learning or to address learning loss 

Technical Assistance:  DESE will provide technical assistance to non-public schools through Commissioner's Memos, webinars, and upon request. General technical assistance will be posted on the CARES Act webpage available at

Please send specific requests for assistance to

Arkansas Department of Education through the Federal Programs office ensures eligible private school children receive equitable services through the designation of an ombudsman in accordance with the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) for more information, please see

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