In the April 28, 2022, teleconference
meeting, the Commission for Arkansas Public School Academic Facilities and Transportation (Commission) funded
2021-2023 biennium Year-Two projects and additional unfunded Year-One projects.
In accordance with the cited reference,
school districts and the Division of Public School Academic Facilities and
Transportation (Division) must
execute an Academic Facilities Partnership Program Project Agreement (Agreement) to initiate
a project. Per the Rules Governing the Academic Facilities Partnership
Program, the Agreement must be executed within sixty (60) days of the
Commission’s project funding. Therefore, Agreements must be executed by
June 27, 2022.
The following information is useful
for school districts as they complete the Agreement.
1) Enter ”October
28, 2023” in sentence one of the second paragraph on page 2 of the Agreement.
This date is the eighteen-month construction start date for the project.
2) The total budget to be
entered in paragraph II.C. on page 3 is the district’s anticipated total
project cost, including design, construction, construction management, and all
associated project costs. The total project budget is computed in
Appendix B (Part 1), Initial Budget.
3) The state’s share of the
project budget to be entered in paragraph II.C. on page 3 is the State
Financial Participation shown for the project on the Funded Project List found
on the Division's website.
4) Information for
project funded scope is available on the Division’s website.
School districts are urged to contact the
Division for additional information or assistance. Districts should
initiate and forward signed Agreements to the Division as soon as possible to
ensure execution by June 27, 2022. The Division will not review unsigned
project agreements.