Arkansas Department of Education Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Afterschool Snack Program

Memo Information

Memo Number
Memo Date
Memo Type
Child Nutrition
Regulatory Authority
7 CFR 210.10
Response Required
Superintendents; Child Nutrition Directors/Managers

Primary Contact Information

Memo Text

Local Education Agencies/School Food Authorities (LEA/SFA) approved to operate the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) may also offer the Afterschool Snack Program (ASP) and receive federal reimbursement for reimbursable snacks served to students. In order to qualify for ASP, the district must conduct regularly scheduled after school activities in a structured environment that include educational instruction or enrichment. SFAs who utilize an alternative school calendar option may be eligible to participate in the ASP and serve snacks during the school day. SFAs whose calendar option extends the school day should complete the expanded learning section of the Schedule B.  


ASP may begin at any time during the school year. SFAs must complete and have an approved afterschool snack application (Schedule B) prior to program implementation. The Schedule B can be found here: Schedule B


Schedule Bs should be submitted to


Area Eligibility

Area Eligibility is determined by individual school. Schools that are determined to be Area Eligible may serve all snacks at no charge to students and the snacks should be claimed at the free reimbursement rate on each monthly Child Nutrition claim. Non-area eligible schools may participate in ASP and claim snacks based on the student’s meal status. Schools operating ASP may be reimbursed for one snack per child.


Meal Pattern

Snacks served to students and claimed for federal reimbursement must meet the ASP meal pattern. The meal pattern for PK and grades K-12 can be found: HERE


On-Site Monitoring

SFAs participating in ASP must complete an on-site monitoring review form. This form must be completed twice a year, the first must be completed within the first 4 weeks of program implementation. The on-site monitoring form can be found: HERE


If you have additional questions about the ASP, contact your Area Specialist at 501-324-9502.

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