Arkansas Department of Education Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Maintenance of Equity FY23 Interim Analysis

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Fiscal & Administrative Services
Regulatory Authority
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Assistant Superintendent; Bookkeepers; Federal Programs; General Business Managers; Superintendents

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The ADE finance unit has gathered interim FY23 expenditure data for mid-year monitoring of maintenance of equity status at each building.  This data is also posted to the ADE-DESE website at: Division of Elementary and Secondary Education - Reports ( The report can be located by changing the report type to Maintenance of Equity, the current fiscal year reports should be displayed without having to change the fiscal year.

The data represents expense data recorded in eFinance as of the February 2023 data warehouse load.  Also, it is important to note that this interim data uses current year 1-Qtr ADM, but final calculations will be based on current year 3-Qtr ADM.

Report explanations:

Exemption Information – details the district’s qualifications for exemption from the maintenance of equity requirements according to ARPA. 

The qualification established by USDE in which a district that expends the same or more state and local funds on a per-pupil basis district-wide in FY2023 compared to its state and local per-pupil expenses in FY2022 is now considered exempt from the MOEquity requirement is still in affect.

Expenditure data is provided to show this comparison and give an approximate amount currently needed to meet these criteria for exemption.  Approximate shortfalls are calculated by multiplying prior year per-pupil amounts by current year pupil counts.

Maintenance of Equity Analysis – individual school expenditure data provided to display the current status of state and local per-pupil expenditure comparisons and give an approximate amount currently needed to meet MOEquity requirements, if applicable.  Approximate shortfalls are calculated by multiplying prior year per-pupil amounts by current year pupil counts.

This section also displays similar data for the FTE portion of the maintenance of equity requirements.

The overall district Ranking method let's the district know which building(s) to focus on by detailing which buildings are considered high poverty and whether or not the current status of that building(s) is considered within the allowed range or reduced more than the overall district.

This interim data is intended to allow each district to make necessary adjustments to current year expenditures and staffing to ensure it passes maintenance of equity requirements.  ADE-DESE finance staff will update this interim data as often as possible to provide ongoing monitoring capabilities for districts.

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