Arkansas Department of Education Division of Elementary and Secondary Education 2023-2024 Preliminary Test Calendar

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Learning Services
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Assistant Superintendent; Bookkeepers; Child Nutrition Directors/Managers; CTE Coordinator (COOPs and regular school districts); Curriculum Coordinators; Data Stewards (SIS; eSchool; eFinance; TRIAND); District Coordinators (ALE; Homeless; ESOL; SDFS & Foster); Equity Coordinators (Disability/Race/Gender/National Origin); Facilities / Maintenance Director; Federal Programs; General Business Managers; Gifted & Talented Coordinators; Parent Involvement Coordinators/Facilitators; Principals; School Counselors; Superintendents; Teachers; Technology Coordinators; Techstart Coordinators or Contact Name; Test Coordinators

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The preliminary testing dates for the 2023-2024 school year have been set. All testing must take place during the specified testing window or specified test date. The dates for the required assessments at grades K-12 are indicated on the attached preliminary testing calendar. 


ACT - All students in grade 11 must be given the opportunity to take the ACT. Each district must choose one of the two windows in which to conduct initial cohort testing. 


ACT WorkKeys - All students in grades 10, 11, and 12 must be given the opportunity to take a single administration of each of the three WorkKeys subtests (Applied Math, Graphic Literacy, and Workplace Documents) before they graduate. The WorkKeys assessment may lead to a student earning a National Career Readiness Certificate. An NCRC measures workplace skills and is recognized by numerous employers across the nation. 


ELPA21 – The English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century (ELPA21) system will provide information to inform instruction so that all English language learners (ELLs) leave high school prepared for college and career success.  


Alt ELPA - The new ALT ELPA will be provided for ELs (English Learner) who have the most significant cognitive disabilities. The test window for ALT ELPA is to be determined. 


NEW State Summative Assessment (ATLAS) - Arkansas students in grades 3-10 will be administered the New Arkansas Summative Assessment in the content areas of ELA (English Language Arts), mathematics, and science. 


Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) will be administered to qualifying students in each grade 3-10. Math and ELA are required on the DLM in both the fall and spring windows. The Fall Instructionally Embedded Window for science is optional. Science scores from the fall window are not part of the final summative scores for 2023-2024; however, it is recommended that students be given the opportunity to take the science testlets during the fall window.


K-2 - All districts will continue to administer their current K-2 assessment through the 2023-2024 school year. 




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