Arkansas Department of Education Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Homeless Set-Aside Formula

Memo Information

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Memo Type
Federal Programs
Regulatory Authority
Response Required
District Coordinators (ALE; Homeless; ESOL; SDFS & Foster); Federal Programs; Superintendents

Primary Contact Information

Memo Text

According to guidance issued by the U.S. Department of Education on August 2, 2023, regarding the final monitoring report of the Title 1 - Part A McKinney-Vento program, the Title I - Part A homeless set aside now has a formula for districts to follow in order to ensure that every district has a proportionate amount of funds set aside to their historical number of students identified.


This formula mandates that for the 2023-2024 SY, all LEAs will set aside a minimum of $500. This will ensure that there are no zeros and that immediate students' needs can be met with available funding. The formula is X (the number of students identified in their 4th quarter of the previous school year) multiplied by $75. If the district’s formula calculation is less than $500, the district will set aside the minimum at $500. This formula will provide a specific funding amount per identified student, ensuring that each district is able to adequately respond to student needs. This formula will determine the minimum amount that districts are mandated to set aside. Districts may set aside a higher amount if the minimum does not meet their needs.




LEA Number



Q4 # ID’d 22-23


Arkansas SD

Jayne Green



Formula: 64 x $75 = $4,800 minimum set aside. 


This formula will be a mandatory section on the future Title I applications. Applicants will not be able to proceed through the application without following the set aside guidelines above. There will also be a second milestone in the EFinance budget program where the amount set-aside per the application will have to match the amount entered in the budget before a district can proceed in the application.


Please check here for your district's minimum allocation. 


For questions or additional information please reach out to Jessica Hickman. 


1401 W. Capitol, Ste. 430, Little Rock, AR 72201 

Phone: (501) 683-5428 

Fax: (501) 682-5136 



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