The Arkansas
Governor’s School (AGS) will be hosted at Arkansas Tech University,
Russellville, Arkansas from Sunday, July 7, 2024 - Saturday, August 3, 2024.
The Arkansas Department of Education (ADE), Division of Elementary and
Secondary Education (DESE) is currently accepting faculty applications from
educators and other professionals for teaching positions at the 2024 AGS in
three broad areas:
Area I - Academics and Arts: Choral Music, Drama, Instrumental Music, English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Visual Arts, and Development Engineering
Area II - General Conceptual Development: focuses on the nature of knowledge and epistemology
Area III - Personal and Social Development: fosters the personal and social development necessary for students to benefit fully from their Area I and Area II classes along with the cultural and social events of the Arkansas Governor's School.
Those interested in applying for positions should exemplify the following qualities:
- An extensive knowledge of subject areas
- Familiarity with theories, concepts, and practices in area(s) of expertise
- The ability to convey, with enthusiasm, the nature of the search for understanding, and to help students gain skills necessary to pursue understanding
- An eagerness to participate in activities outside the classroom with students and other faculty members
- The ability to communicate effectively with high school students of high potential
- The expertise to facilitate classroom interaction and discussion
Job descriptions for each AGS position and instructions for the faculty application process can be found at
Appointments to the AGS faculty are for one summer term.
The application deadline is Friday, December 15, 2024.
Applicants should submit:
Send completed applications to:
Krystal Nail
Office of
Gifted and Talented
Division of
Elementary and Secondary Education
Four Capital
Mall, Mail Slot 28
Little Rock,
AR 72201