Arkansas Department of Education Division of Elementary and Secondary Education 2024-2025 Joint Use Agreement Grant Request for Applications

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Office of Learning Services
Regulatory Authority
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Assistant Principal; Assistant Superintendent; District Coordinators (ALE; Homeless; ESOL; SDFS & Foster); Principals; Superintendents

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The Division of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), School Health Services office is pleased to announce the Arkansas Joint Use Agreement (JUA) Grant Request for Applications. 

Joint use is the practice of allowing use of public school buildings and/or grounds by non-public school entities and/or vice versa. A JUA is a collaborative agreement between a school and local government or non-profit entity, setting forth the terms and conditions for shared use of public property/facility. JUAs are formed to meet the shared goals and needs of the school and community, while focusing on maximizing resources and increasing opportunities for physical activity. Through the shared use of space, schools and communities see a fiscal benefit while providing added amenities and services for students and community members. 

All Arkansas public school districts are eligible to apply.  The joint use partnership must be between an individual school district and a local government agency or non-profit organization. The applying Arkansas public school must act as the lead grantee and fiscal agent for the grant funds awarded. The Joint Use Agreement grant funds are not intended to create new programs, but rather to increase access to existing recreational facilities.

The Arkansas Joint Use Agreement Grant Guidelines, Application template, and Budget Narrative are attached to this commissioner's memo.

School Districts should submit completed applications as a single PDF file to Applications must be received on or before September 20, 2024.

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