Arkansas Department of Education Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Launch of K-2 Assessment and Grade 3 Screener System

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Announcement: Launch of New K-2 Assessment System and Grade 3 Screener

The Arkansas Department of Education (DESE) is pleased to announce the launch of our new K-2 assessment system and Grade 3 screener. This new system will seamlessly integrate with our existing 3-10 assessment system, ensuring that student data follows them throughout their educational journey.  

Universal Screener Overview

At the beginning of each school year, students in grades K-3 will participate in a universal screener for literacy and in grades K-2 for math. The screener results will provide teachers with score reports indicating whether students are at risk or not at risk for not being able to access grade-level instruction. 

Blueprint and Standards

The blueprint, linked below, outlines the standards that will be assessed. Due to educator feedback from a recent standard setting committee, the screener blueprints were updated to include standards from the prior year and early progression standards for the current year.   Previously shared versions of the blueprints should be replaced with the attached version. As a result of these changes, and to provide educators with a valid and reliable screener for the 2024-25 school year, the screener will be available starting August 28, 2024. The expectation is that all students complete the screener by September 27, 2024. The screener can be administered by any school staff member who has been assigned a test administrator role and has completed the test administration certification course available in the ATLAS portal. This certification course takes approximately 15 minutes to complete.  The District Testing Coordinator will provide access and instructions on completing the course.  

Data Availability and Usage

Fall 2024 will be the first statewide administration of the ATLAS screener and data from this administration must be used to set an At Risk cut for intervention.  Standard setting will occur in late September, and screener data will be accessible to schools by October 14th. For literacy, this data will populate individual reading plans in the system and the teacher will prescribe testlets based on areas in which the student is most at risk. The testlets will become available in the ATLAS portal at the same time that the initial screening data is published. Results from testlets  will provide more detailed information about any skill deficits identified by the screener, aiding in instructional planning.  Testlets meet the requirements of a Level One dyslexia screener.  For math, testlets will also be available based on screener results to guide classroom instruction.

Individual Reading Plan (IRP)

The individual reading plan (IRP) is required for students at risk in grades K-3 literacy. Because ATLAS screening data will not be available until October, districts should use the end of year assessment data from the district chosen K-2 assessment and classroom assessment data to identify student needs and provide support prior to October. Once data from the screener is released, IRP’s will populate in the ATLAS portal. The DESE will provide extensive guidance and training for developing IRP’s in the fall. 

Upcoming Training and Guidance


Training for testlet administration and individual reading plans will be provided through local co-ops,  DESE State Literacy specialists and coaches, and via asynchronous learning modules to be published in early October. The DESE is also revising the Dyslexia Resource Guide to provide additional support and guidance on using the ATLAS screening scores to support students.  

An informational webinar regarding ATLAS K2 will be held on Aug 13, 2024 from 2- 4 p.m.  Participants may register at:


Additional ATLAS 3-10 Information

The DESE anticipates releasing spring 2024 ATLAS assessment data in October.  Content standards setting took place in July and results will be presented to the State Board of Education for approval in September. Training for data interpretation will be provided through local co-ops,  DESE State specialists and coaches, and via asynchronous learning modules to be presented/published after the release of scores. 



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