I. Funding Opportunity Description
Purpose of Program: The Arkansas College and Career Coach program is designed to motivate and support Arkansas students to achieve their goals as it relates to college and career planning. Students in grades 5 – 12 qualify for services from a Career Coach. The Arkansas College and Career Coach program provides assistance and information for resources in the areas of academic tutoring, career counseling, mentoring, financial guidance, and other supports necessary for postsecondary education/training access, retention, and success.
Structure of Program: College and Career Coaches are employed by an institution of higher education, education cooperative, or non-profit organization. They provide their services directly to students in middle and high school through their on-campus placement in local school districts.
Qualifications of Career Coach: Individuals, who hold at least a bachelor’s degree and Facilitating Career Development (FCD) credential, may be employed as a Career Coach. If the desired individual does not hold an FCD credential they may be employed under condition of completing the course within a year of employment.
Funding Period: Up to 12 months (July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026)
All funding amounts requested in grant applications are contingent upon availability and appropriation funds.
II. Applicant Information
Eligible Applicant: The institution of higher education, education cooperative, or non-profit organization should submit one grant request to include all desired school districts to be served. The applicant will be considered the host site and responsible for local management (program, human resources, and fiscal) in partnership with the school district administration of the Career Coach program. A more detailed explanation of responsibilities is outlined in the Grant Application information packet.
III. Submission Information
Submission Dates and Times: Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: Friday, February 28, 2025, by 4:00pm.
Application materials can be found at
Grant Application Submission Portal Link:
IV. New Grant Writing – Technical Assistance Session
Time: Tuesday, February 4 at 9:00 AM
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