Arkansas Department of Education Division of Elementary and Secondary Education First-Year Special Education Teachers Hot Topic Sessions

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Educator Effectiveness & Licensure
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Assistant Principal; Assistant Superintendent; Curriculum Coordinators; Early Childhood Coordinator; Educator Effectiveness System Coordinator; Equity Coordinators (Disability/Race/Gender/National Origin); Principals; School Counselors; Special Education Supervisor; Superintendents; Teachers

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Monthly Hot Topic Sessions for First-Year Special Education Teachers

We are excited to announce the first session in our Monthly Hot Topics in Special Education series, which will be held via Zoom on Thursday, February 6, at 3:30 P.M. Future calls will take place on the first Thursday of every month, with recordings available for later viewing.

Hot Topics sessions are specifically designed to support first-year Special Education teachers pursuing licensure through the test-out process but are open to all educators. We strongly encourage mentor teachers, administrators, and other interested staff to join us.

Attendance Requirement Reminder

First-year special education teachers completing licensure requirements through testing out must participate in at least one call per quarter as part of their mentoring plan.

Kick-Off Session Highlights

We’re honored to welcome Dr. Jeff Adams, State Director of Special Education, as our guest speaker for the first session. Dr. Adams will present a brief overview of High Leverage Practices in Special Education. Additionally, the session will include:

  • A review of mentoring guidelines for first-year Special Education teachers

  • A Q&A session with representatives from the Office of Educator Effectiveness and Licensure and the Office of Special Education

This kick-off session provides a valuable opportunity to connect with DESE staff and school colleagues while gaining practical insights, and we strongly encourage your participation.

Join Zoom Meeting -

Meeting ID: 898 1135 6831


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