Arkansas Department of Education Division of Elementary and Secondary Education The Arkansas State Air and Space Forces Association's Teacher of the Year

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Educator Effectiveness & Licensure
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Assistant Superintendent; Communications Manager / Director; Curriculum Coordinators; Principals; Superintendents

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The Air & Space Forces Association with its membership promotes a dominant U.S. Air and Space Force as the foundation of a strong National Defense and to honor and support our Airmen, and Space Force Professionals, and their Families and to remember and respect our enduring Heritage. To accomplish this, we EDUCATE the public on the critical need for unrivaled aerospace power and a technically superior workforce to ensure national security, ADVOCATE for aerospace power, and promote aerospace and STEM education and professional development, and SUPPORT readiness for the Total Air and Space Forces, including Active Duty, National Guard, Reserve, civilians, families and members of the Civil Air Patrol and all AFROTC programs. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) teachers shape the future of our nation - introducing students to exciting new concepts and offering a glimpse into what's possible. The absolute best educators transform learning into a boundless adventure and prepare their classes to explore new frontiers of technology for the good of us all. Along with grants and scholarships, the Air & Space Forces Association believes that recognizing those who educate America's youth is an important aspect of what A&SFA is all about. Every year, A&SFA proudly honors the commitment and achievements of these extraordinary teachers at chapter and state levels.


The Air & Space Forces Association and the Arkansas States’ Association’s two chapters, the David D. Terry Jr. and Lewis Lyle chapters are requesting your help in identifying a teacher from elementary school through high school for nomination of the Air Force Association Chapter Teacher of the Year from your school district. Each chapter will select one teacher as their Chapter Teacher of the year for their respective state areas. It is important to note that this does not have to be a long tenured teacher but can be a first-year teacher working with STEM initiatives. The State Executive Board will select one of the teachers to be the Arkansas State Teacher of the Year.



The AFA Air & Space Forces Association recognize that STEM teachers shape the future of our nation - introducing students to exciting new concepts and offering a glimpse into what's possible. The absolute best educators transform learning into a boundless adventure and prepare their classes to explore new frontiers of technology for the good of us all. Along with grants and scholarships, the Air & Space Forces Association believes that recognizing those who educate America's youth is an important aspect of what AFA is all about. Every year, AFA's Teacher of the Year program sponsored by Rolls-Royce proudly honors the commitment and achievements of these extraordinary teachers. The program is to recognize classroom teachers at the chapter level for their accomplishments and achievements in exciting K-12 students about Science, Engineering, Technology and Math (STEM) or aerospace activities and preparing them to use and contribute to tomorrow’s technologies. This is a unique opportunity enabling chapters to reward outstanding teachers who are furthering education excellence and making classes an adventure.


Guidelines and Criteria:

  • One page narrative of the teacher’s accomplishment and achievements in support of STEM and or aerospace activities and the impact of these activities on the students. Pictures/news clippings may also be submitted.
  • A letter of recommendation/support from a school official (principal or higher
  • NLT March 1, 2024, so that awards can be presented before schools are dismissed for summer vacations.


Chapter Level Award Recipient Receives:

  • Check for $250.00
  • Certificate of Excellence
  • From the two chapter’s nominations, a State Teacher of the year will be selected by the Exec Board of the State Association.
  • Only one teacher can be selected for the State award from all nominations

State Award recipient receives

  • A check in the amount of $500.00.
  • A Certificate of Excellence.
  • A personalized jacket


A simple form is attached to be filled and returned by mail to


Ann Reichenbach, V/P Aerospace Education

501 Brewer St

Jacksonville, AR 72976


If any additional information is needed, please contact the following:


Jerry Reichenbach, President

Arkansas State AFA Association


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