To help with Parent and Family Engagement requirements under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and to meet the Civil Rights obligations of schools in working with Limited English Proficient (LEP) families and English Learner (EL) students across the state of Arkansas, the Arkansas Department of Education’s Division of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) is partnering with TransACT® Parent Notices. The ongoing partnership provides all local education agencies, representing hundreds of schools and teachers, unlimited access to expertly written parent notifications that meet legal requirements; guidance on required audiences; and recommended timelines.
What is ParentNotices?
TransACT Parent Notices is an online subscription service to hundreds of legally reviewed, federally compliant, translated notifications. DESE provides your unlimited, district-wide subscription at no cost to the district to save time and cost associated with Parent and Family Engagement Requirements and the associated translations. The notifications/letters are available in English, Arabic, Chinese, Gujarati, Hmong, Lao, Marshallese, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.
Updated SIS Integration Added: Effective for the 2024-25 school year, DESE is providing updated ParentNotices SIS Integration to Arkansas districts. ParentNotices SIS Integration makes sending compliant parent notifications easier and faster:
- Fill in the notices with student information (including roster data) retrieved from the student information systems (SIS)/eSchool.
- Deliver notices to parents’ preferred devices, including desktop browsers, mobile phones, and tablets.
- Invite parents and families to read, review, respond and add digital signatures to notices via the “Parent-View” mobile-friendly interface.
Next Steps for ALL Districts to Access the Updated TransACT ParentNotices SIS Integration:
To start your district’s SIS Integration, District Technology Coordinators need to complete the APSCN: eSchoolPLUS API Request and select TransAct from the ‘Vendor’ list
After API connection work is performed, the necessary credential information will then be shared with TransAct
The district technology coordinator will be contacted by TransAct when the setup is complete
Remember to whitelist the domain “” so invites to district staff are not marked as spam.*If your district’s integration is not active, or your District Technology Coordinator has not been contacted by TransAct ParentNotices within 14 business days, please contact
Next Steps Available to ALL ParentNotices District & Staff Users:
For further information concerning implementing TransACT ParentNotices or serving English Learners, please contact Maria Touchstone at