Arkansas Department of Education Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Arkansas Council for Military Children - Student Advisory Committee

Memo Information

Memo Number
Memo Date
Memo Type
School Choice and Parent Empowerment
Regulatory Authority
ACA 6-28-204(d)(2)
Response Required
Assistant Principal; Principals; School Counselors

Primary Contact Information

Memo Text

The Arkansas Council for Military Children Student Advisory Committee (SAC) provides a means for children of military families to have direct, regular input to and interaction with the Arkansas Council for Military Children (the Council).  The SAC consists of up to five students, one from each of Arkansas’ four congressional districts and an at-large member from the Arkansas Military and First Responders Academy.  The SAC will be supervised and mentored by members of the Council, two of whom will serve as Chair and Vice Chair of the SAC.  The SAC will meet either in person or via web-based conferencing two to four times during the academic year. 

Student advisors are expected to serve for two years. 

Any sophomore student enrolled in an Arkansas public, charter, or private school whose parent, stepparent, or legal guardian is currently serving in the military is eligible to apply.  An ad hoc committee consisting of the Council chair, vice chair, and the chair of each of the Council’s standing committees will review the applications and vote on whom to accept.   Grades, discipline, and attendance are considered by the selection committee. 

The seat for a student advisor from the Third Congressional District is currently filled.  Applications for the seats for the First, Second, and Fourth Congressional Districts and for the Arkansas Military and First Responders Academy will be accepted beginning April 1, 2025 through April 30, 2025.

The application consists of three parts:

Each student advisor will receive credit for a minimum of six community service learning hours and a maximum of twelve community service learning hours per academic year with credit to be awarded as follows:

  • One hour for each Council meeting the student advisor attends virtually.
  • Two hours for each Council meeting the student advisor hosts or attends in person.
  • One half hour for each Committee meeting the student advisor attends, including meetings of the SAC.
  • One half hour for each semi-annual report the student advisor prepares and presents.
  • One hour for participation in developing the addendum to the Council’s annual report.

The Council chair will report each student advisor’s community service learning hours annually to the student advisor’s school district.  Upon conclusion of the student advisor’s term of service, the student advisor will receive a certificate of service from the Council and the opportunity to use Council members as references.

Each student advisor is expected to:

  • Attend at least three Council meetings during the academic year, either in person or via web-based conferencing. Student advisors may participate fully in all discussions during Council meetings but may not vote.
  • Host one Council meeting during the student advisor’s two-year term of service. The meeting may be held at the student advisor’s school or at another public venue approved by the Council.
  • Promote activities for the Month of the Military Child in his/her school.
  • Communicate regularly with the District Military Education Coordinator and/or School Military Liaison in his/her school and district.
  • Provide written input to the Council for each Council meeting. An online form with prompts is used for this purpose.

Collectively, the Student Advisory Committee is expected to:

  • Present a written and verbal report to the Council at its May meeting.
  • Provide a written addendum to the Council’s annual report to the Governor, House and Senate Education Committees, and State Board of Education.

By submitting the endorsement form online, the student advisor’s principal agrees to do the following:

  • Excuse the student advisor’s absence from school to attend Council or committee meetings.
  • Award credit for community service learning as reported by the Council.
  • Host one Council meeting on site during the student advisor’s two-year term of service.

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