Arkansas Department of Education Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Curriculum Updates - March 2025

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Office of Learning Services
Regulatory Authority
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Assistant Principal; Assistant Superintendent; Curriculum Coordinators; Gifted & Talented Coordinators; School Counselors; Superintendents; Teachers

Primary Contact Information

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Curriculum updates are provided to inform educators and stakeholders of opportunities, updates and resources related to teaching and learning. 

Professional Learning:   

The Summer 2024 DESE Professional Learning Calendar is now available here. Scheduled Professional Learning is available for a variety of education professionals. Register and secure your spot today! For more information on a session, please review the calendar for the Unit Contact.   



STEMinar: Fostering Career Readiness with K-8 STEM Career Competencies is a virtual session designed for K-8 educators and school leaders. Participants will be introduced to the K-8 STEM Career Competencies: Developing Foundational Skills for the Future of Work framework. This framework identifies 10 foundational career competency areas correlated to characteristics of future work. It is meant as a guide for teachers interested in helping their students develop the foundations of skills, knowledge, and abilities needed to be successful in life when they exit formal schooling. Dr. Tina Moore launches the series by discussing the importance of developing 21st Century skills in students who are needed to fill Arkansas STEM jobs now and in the future. Join this session and learn how STEM career competencies support career exposure experiences for students.    


Date and Time: Wednesday 4/9/25 3:15-4:30 

Register: escWorks #544660 



STEMinar: Fostering Career Readiness through School Partnerships with Businesses and Community Members is a virtual STEM session for preK-12 educators and school leaders. Participants will be introduced to how schools can form strategic partnerships to support students' career exposure experiences. Effective ways to engage in school partnerships will be shared by designated model STEM schools. Join a new school partnership directory designed to connect schools with businesses, higher education institutions, and community organizations across the state.   


Date and Time: Thursday 4/10/25 3:15-4:30 

Register: escWorks #544666 



STEMinar: Youth Engineering Solutions: High Quality Engineering Curriculum for PreK-5 STEM Schools 


Join us for a virtual STEM session for preK-5 educators and school leaders focusing on Youth Engineering Solutions (YES). YES represents the next step in evolution of the award-winning youth STEM curricula program, Engineering is Elementary (EiE), offering a free, science standards-aligned, and open high-quality, supplemental curriculum aimed at helping schools implementing science and engineering in PreK - 5 grades. This curriculum is ideal for Instructional facilitators, elementary teachers, and library media specialists seeking to enhance science instruction, STEAM labs, and makerspaces. Arkansas educators will share their insights and experience teaching the early elementary units.  


Date and Time: Tuesday 4/22/25 at 3:15 - 4:30 PM     

Register: escWorks #544673  



STEMinar: Youth Engineering Solutions: High Quality Engineering Curriculum for Middle Schools is a virtual STEM session designed for middle school educators and school leaders. We will introduce Youth Engineering Solutions (YES) as a science standards-aligned, 6–8 engineering curriculum that is open and free. YES is a high-quality supplemental curriculum aiming to support STEM schools implementing science and engineering in grades 6 - 8. Instructional facilitators, elementary teachers, and library media specialists will find this curriculum beneficial for enhancing science instruction, STEAM labs, and makerspaces. Arkansas teachers will share their insights and experiences with teaching units.


Date and Time: Tuesday 4/29/25 at 3:15 - 4:30 PM     

Register: escWorks #544675  



Contact: Michele Snyder, State STEM Integration Specialist at 




Elevate Math Fluency: A Parent’s Guide to Building Strong Foundations!   

Math fluency is about building confidence, number sense, and problem-solving skills through meaningful practice. Our K-5 Math Fluency Parent Resource is a simple, one-page tool designed to help families support their child’s fluency journey at home. This resource aligns with Arkansas fluency standards and grade-level skills, offering clear explanations, practical tips, and engaging activities to strengthen both accuracy and understanding.  What’s Inside? Stakeholders will find Key fluency skills by grade level, strategies beyond memorization, and fun ways to practice at home! 


Grades K-2 Parent Fluency Resource 

Grades 3 –5 Parent Fluency Resource  


Empower your child to develop strong math foundations with this easy-to-use resource! 




The 2025-2026 PLTW application has been extended to April 18, 2025! The Arkansas Division of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) was awarded a $2.98 million grant from the Walton Family Foundation to increase student interest and engagement in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) by providing middle school students access to high-quality STEM curriculum that supports hands-on, real-world learning, from Project Lead the Way (PLTW). The purpose of the grant is to award Local Education Agencies (LEAs) competitive subgrants to implement PLTW curriculum in the 7th and 8th grades for the following courses: Design and Modeling (399120), Medical Detectives (399180), Automation & Robotics (399110), and Flight and Space (399250).  


Priority consideration for grant funds will be given to LEAs based on the following criteria: 

-LEA demographics that indicate high poverty percentages (Title I status) 

-Schools without prior access to the curriculum 

-Implementation and sustainability plan 


PLTW grantees will implement the new curriculum beginning in the 2025-2026 school year. Application and related information are linked below. 

-PLTW Grant Request for Application 

-PLTW Grant Application 

-DESE PLTW Grant Web Page 

-PLTW Website


Interested LEAs are highly encouraged to attend a school tour at a campus that is already implementing the PLTW curriculum prior to submitting an application. Applicants may view a virtual tour here.  


Contact: Jason G. Bailey, PLTW Grant Coordinator at 



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