Arkansas Department of Education Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Assessment Portal Reason Not Tested and Assessment Correction Engine (ACE)

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Memo Type
Public School Accountability
Regulatory Authority
Response Required
Federal Programs; Superintendents; Principals; Test Coordinators; School Counselors

Primary Contact Information

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Before May 17, 2019, districts should make every effort to ensure that any student who is loaded in the ACT Aspire portal who will not test has the reason entered appropriately.  Information about and the steps for entering the reason may be found at the following link:  

Students who are included in the Dynamic Learning Maps portal who will not test should have a special circumstance code entered by May 10, 2019. Information about and the steps for entering the code can be found at the following link:


The Assessment Correction Engine (ACE) interface will be available to all districts from August 1 through August 14, 2019, at the following link:  You will be directed to the ADE Data Center to log in.  District or School Level users should use their TRIAND login credentials to log in.  Scroll down to the “ADE Systems of Support” tiles toward the bottom right of the page and click on “Assessment Correction Engine”, which is on the “Systems of Accountability: ESSA” tile.


Every school district is expected to test students that are able to test and to check their data. The resulting post-appeal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) accountability information will become part of the data incorporated in the accountability plan required by ESEA’s reauthorization, Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The data will also be used in the School Performance Report Card and Rewards/Recognition calculations. Please use this time to make sure your data are as accurate as possible.


Districts are strongly encouraged to review the percent tested information and enter any needed reason not tested codes and documentation as early as possible.  Recently Arrived English Learner status (first year in a United States school) may be reviewed and edited.  If editing status to indicate a student is a Recently Arrived English Learner, be prepared to enter/update the student’s entry date in eSchoolPlus.  Only data for the 2018-2019 school year can be changed.


All data corrections must be supported by evidence in the form of documentation that is uploaded through the ESEA ACE interface.  The reason not tested list with required documentation for ESEA ACE is attached to this memo.  Please keep in mind that documentation for reason not tested for medical reasons should demonstrate that a student was physically unable to take the test during the testing window. 


After reason not tested codes and documentation have been entered, the ACE Home screen can be used to submit corrections.  Then the Certification Form signed by the District Superintendent must be uploaded.  Corrections can be submitted for the district after logging in to the ACE with a Superintendent TRIAND username and password.  For questions about TRIAND log in and levels of access, please call your TRIAND Administrator or Angel Peugh at 501-539-0135.


All corrections, including all required documentation, must be entered no later than 5:00 p.m., August 14, 2019.


Questions concerning ESEA data corrections may be emailed to Calls may be made to the School Performance Unit of Public School Accountability at (501) 682-7339.

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