Arkansas Department of Education Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Draft Day 2025

Memo Information

Memo Number
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Memo Type
Regulatory Authority
Response Required
Assistant Principal; Assistant Superintendent; CTE Coordinator (COOPs and regular school districts); Curriculum Coordinators; Principals; School Counselors; Superintendents; Teachers

Primary Contact Information

Secondary Contact/s Information

Memo Text

The Arkansas Department of Education in partnership with Be Pro Be Proud is pleased to announce the 2025 Draft Day dates and locations for Arkansas high schools.

Be Pro Be Proud’s Draft Day events match regional employers with graduating seniors for In Person Interviews. While providing Career Exploration in the Career Expo for underclassmen with the goal of building tomorrow’s workforce and taking students from high school to a Success Ready Pathway.

Attached you will find the 2025 Dates and Locations as well as the 2025 Draft Day Series Map.

Districts who wish to participate in the 2025 Draft Day Event need to identify one Point of Contact for their district. If the district employs a Career Coach they will serve as the Point of Contact. Districts not employing a Career Coach need to choose their Point of Contact.

The District Point of Contact needs to complete the Interest Form for their district by October 21st. Once the form is completed the following next steps will occur:

1. Your Principal and Superintendent will get a digital commitment form to sign.

2. Your Point of Contact will receive a contact form. 

As soon as all forms (Interest, Commitment x2, and Contact) are completed, your school will receive a registration link for Draft Day 2025.


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