Arkansas Department of Education Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Notice of Federal Interest Guidance

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Federal Programs
Regulatory Authority
Response Required
Assistant Superintendent; Bookkeepers; Facilities / Maintenance Director; Federal Programs; General Business Managers; Principals; Superintendents

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Memo Text

The purpose of this Commissioner's Memo is to provide guidance to Arkansas LEAs. LEAs using a combination and/or all generations of federal relief funds Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER), having capital outlay expenses of a single project totaling $1 million or more in the areas of major construction projects or acquisition of real estate, must record the federal government’s interest. The document is referred to as a Notice of Federal Interest (NFI) and is recorded through the local county recorder’s office


The reporting requirement (2 CFR § 200.330), set by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), provides that grant and subgrant recipients must report annually, for at least the first 15 years, on the status of the real property in which the Federal government has made a monetary investment and therefore has an ongoing interest. The Federal interest recording requirement (2 CFR § 200.316), in combination with the OMB construction grant assurances, provides Federal agencies with discretion as to when recipients are required to locally record notices of Federal interest (or other public notices of record, such as liens) regarding that Federal interest. In general, these longstanding requirements help ensure that a facility can continue to be used for educational purposes after a grant has ended; establish the level of public investment in the facility that may be recouped if the property is subsequently transferred to private ownership; and promotes nondiscrimination, including accessibility, while the property is used for a grant’s educational purpose.

Grantees or subgrantees with a renovation, major remodeling, construction, or real property project where the Federal interest is significant—typically, that use more than $1 million in COVID-19 relief fundsmust record the notice of Federal interest (NFI) in the official real property records for the jurisdiction in which the improved or purchased property is located. All grantees and subgrantees that have a renovation, major remodeling, construction, or real property project of $1 million or more in funds from these programs must record all NFIs by January 28, 2025.

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